Material Handling

Material handling in robotics refers to the use of robotic systems to move, manage, and control materials within various environments, such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers. These robotic systems can automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of injury to human workers. Here are some key details about robotic applications in material handling:

Robotic Applications

Types of Material Handling Robots

Automated Guided Vehicles

  • Function: Transport materials around a facility using embedded markers or magnetic strips for navigation.
  • Application: Used in warehouses for moving pallets, containers, and products.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)

  • Function: Automatically place and retrieve items from storage locations
  • Application: Warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing plants to improve storage efficiency.

Articulated Robots

  • Function: Robots with rotary joints, often used for tasks requiring a wide range of motion
  • Application: Used for picking, packing, and palletizing in various industries.

Collaborative Robots (Cobots)

  • Function: Designed to work alongside human workers safely.
  • Application: Assist in tasks such as assembly, packing, and material transport in close proximity to humans

Gantry Robots

  • Function: Operate on a fixed track system, often used for heavy lifting and precise placement
  • Application: Used in applications requiring high precision and heavy load handling, such as automotive manufacturing.

Mahajan Automation, Machine Tending By Refurbished Fanuc R2000i 165F

Robotic Applications

Applications in Various Industries


  • Tasks: Assembly line work, welding, painting, and parts transfer.
  • Benefits: Increased production speed, precision, and worker safety.

Warehousing and Distribution

  • Tasks: Order picking, packing, sorting, and palletizing.
  • Benefits: Improved inventory management, reduced errors, and faster order fulfillment


  • Tasks: Handling heavy components, assembly, and inspection
  • Benefits: Enhanced production efficiency and quality control.

Food and Beverage

  • Tasks: Packaging, sorting, and palletizing
  • Benefits: Maintained hygiene standards and increased throughput


  • Tasks: Handling delicate items, packaging, and inspection.
  • Benefits: Precision, contamination control, and consistent quality.

What We Do

“A compelling way of generating innovative ideas”

Robotic laser has a much smaller heat-affected zone,  so distortion is minimized regardless of the type of metal being  welding. Robotic laser is an accurate, clean and flexible option  for a wide variety of applications.The common applications highlight many of its benefits. These  applications include:

  • Precision Parts Welding: accuracy and minimal heat  generation allow for welding of thin or delicate metal  components.
  • Limited Access: since laser welding doesn’t need to touch the  part, it can weld remotely from over a foot away from the part.This allows it to reach hard-to-weld places that traditional  processes cannot.

Unleash your production potential with Mahajan Automation - inquire now for tailored robotic welding solutions.

Robotic Applications

Benefits of Robotic Material Handling

Increased Efficiency

Robots can operate continuously without breaks, leading to higher throughput and productivity

Cost Savings

Reduction in labor costs and decreased damage to materials due to precise handling.

Improved Safety

Robots can handle hazardous materials and perform dangerous tasks, reducing the risk of injury to human workers.

Enhanced Accuracy

Consistent performance with minimal errors, leading to better quality control


Robots can be reprogrammed and equipped with different end effectors to handle various tasks and materials

By leveraging these technologies and trends, businesses can significantly enhance their material handling processes, leading to increased productivity, safety, and cost savings.
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